Registered Nurse (UB, 1989), Bachelor's Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (URV, 2001), Master's Degree in Bioethics and Law (UB, 2002), Advanced Studies Diploma (URV, 2003), Diploma in Criminology (UA, 2007), Doctor of Social and Cultural Anthropology in the Medical Anthropology and Health Program (URV, 2009). Member of the Advanced Nursing Research Group (2021 SGR 001061). Tenured University Professor, accredited as a full professor with two six-year research periods (the last one ongoing) and six five-year periods. Has coordinated and collaborated on various national and international projects related to interventions in clinical practice, applied ethics, ethical conflicts, clinical safety, multiculturalism, and teaching innovation focused on simulation. Author of numerous scientific articles.
She has assumed different academic management positions, being Secretary of the School of Nursing from 2004 to 2006 (URV). Secretary of the Department of Nursing from 2007 to 2012 (URV). Director of the Department from 2012 to 2019(URV). Dean of the Nursing Faculty from 2019 to 2022 (URV). Currently, Secretary General at Rovira i Virgili University. External examiner for undergraduate and postgraduate programs at Cork University (Ireland). Visiting researcher at, among others, the Prehospen Center (Boras, Sweden) and the INU (International Network of Universities) Nursing Collaborative and Visiting Professor at Boras University (Sweden).
Research lines: The research areas are situated at the intersection of clinical nursing practice and humanism, exploring ethical aspects derived from practice as well as deontological or related to professional responsibilities and values, applied to both care and teaching and using innovative methodological tools such as simulation.