Universitat Rovira i Virgili

María Inmaculada de Molina-Fernández

Tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Nursing, Rovira i Virgili University (URV). Coordinator of the Research Group 2021 SGR 161 Advanced Nursing "Caring". Nurse (1988), Nurse-midwife (1998) and Nursing Phd (2014). She has been working as a professor at the URV's Department of Nursing since 2011, where she teaches theoretical and practical courses in the field of obstetrics and gynecology, as well as coordinates practical subjects in the hospital. She teaches research methodology and supervises undergraduate and master's theses and doctoral dissertations.

Research lines: Research in sexual and reproductive health, shared decision-making care paradigm, contraception and Clinical Simulation as a Teaching Tool.

Keywords: Women´s health; Share Decisión and Share Decision Making Tools; Contraception; Clinical Simulation

Email: Inmaculada.demolina(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat