Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Gerard Mora López

Doctor in Nursing, holds a Master's degree in Nursing at University Rovira i Virgili and a Master's degree in Prehospital and Urgent Hospital care from the Universitat Barcelona. Currently serves as a Professor in the Department of Nursing (URV). Extensive experience as a nurse, having worked at the Hospital Universitari Joan 23 de Tarragona, the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, and in Primary Care as a territorial clinical nurse. An accomplished author of publications in scientific journals, presentations at various conferences, round tables, and scientific communications. Additionally, has actively participated in research projects. Authored the book: "Family caregivers. Qualitative study on the reconstruction of their daily life". Recipient of distinguished research awards, including the M. Teresa Gatell i Vallvé Prize for Care of People and the 20 Years of Àgora d'Infermeria Prize.

Research lines: Research interests primarily focus on the care of family caregivers and families in hospitals, along with analyzing the transition of family caregivers, primary care, and medical emergencies. Currently holds the position of Secretary of the Official College of Nurses of Tarragona.

Email: gerard.mora(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat