Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Silvia Reverté-Villarroya

PhD in Psychology, Health and Quality of Life from the UdG (2017) with Cum Laude mention. Nurse from the UB (2004), and Master's Degree in Health Promotion from the UdG (2012), among other postgraduate qualifications. Currently, professor of the Serra Húnter Program (2017). She holds the position of Vice Dean of the URV's Faculty of Nursing and also she is coordinator of the mobility program (SICUE) and responsible for the Internal Quality Assurance System (SIGC) (2023). Director of the Chair of Innovation and Simulation in Health of the Ebro Lands (2022), which manages the Territorial Innovation and Simulation Center (CISTE). She has accumulated two six-year research periods accredited by AQU, with her two lines of research, the result of her professional practice in the field of healthcare in the area of neuroscience, specifically "Approach and prevention of people with cerebrovascular pathology", where she has carried out stays with scientific production, and university, "Teaching innovation" highlighting health psychology and psychopedagogy. She is a member of several scientific committees, organizers, courts and reviewer of indexed journals. She is also an expert member of the Master Plan for Cerebrovascular Diseases (PDMVC), of the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Program in Nursing and Health (URV). And, member of the Consolidated Research Group in advanced nursing of the URV_CARING (2021 SGR 161) accredited by the Generalitat de Catalunya, where she coordinates the advanced nursing practice line.

Research lines: Biomedical science, epidemiology and advanced clinical practice; Dimensions of care: Gender, family and community; Mental health and addiction nursing: analysis and measurement tools.

Email: silvia.reverte(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat