Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Francesc Valls Fonayet

European PhD in Sociology, University Rovira i Virgili (2011, Excellent Cum Laude). Lecturer at the Department of Nursing and Co-Director of the Chair of Social Inclusion (URV). Assistant Professor at the Psychology Studies of the Open University of Catalonia (UOC) and at the Postgraduate Course in Gender Equality Policies in Public Management (University of Barcelona and School of Public Administration of Catalonia).

Research lines: He works on two main research lines. The first, to which his Doctoral Thesis belongs, on poverty, social exclusion and inequalities (specially in groups such as women, young people and people with disabilities). The second, on health behaviours linked to social risk factors, in areas such as consumption and addictions. He has also participated in other research, around shared decisions in health, providing support in the methodological field and quantitative analysis.

He has published more than 25 articles in national and international scientific journals, 13 of them indexed in WoS and 18 indexed in Scopus. He also has nearly 30 publications in book or book chapter format, in some of the Spanish publishers best placed in the Scholarly Publishers Indicators (SPI) ranking, such as Tirant, Aranzadi Thomson Reuters or Icaria.

He has been part of 11 competitive projects in Spanish and international calls. He has also participated in more than 15 research contracts with organizations and public institutions. Evaluator of various national and international scientific journals, member of several research award boards (Catalan Association of Sociology), member of two projects that received the URV Social Council Award for the Social Impact of Research: 2018 (Social Sciences and Humanities) and 2021 (Health Sciences).

Email: francesc.valls(ELIMINAR)@urv.cat